Condo House Rules:
Age Requirements:
No unit will be rented to a person who is less than +25 years of age. However, persons under
the age of 25 may reside as a guest in a unit as long as they are accompanied by the well over 25- year old
who will supervise and be responsible for the guests and their actions and any damages..
One parking permit (only 1 per Condo March through Sept) per unit will be issued at check-in: $30.00 Parking & $6.00 each armband. This pass will allow only one automobile per unit to be parked on the property.
Display your parking permit on the rear view mirror with the unit number facing the windshield so that it can be read. Parking permit is valid according to dates of stay on your pass. Any automobiles without parking permits readable from outside will
be towed at the owner's expense. Parking in fire lanes, curbside, and any areas which may block
vehicles is strictly prohibited. Only vehicles displaying proper authorization can park in handicap
spaces. Vehicles in violation will be towed at owner's expense.
The security guards will be selling Parking Passes and Armbands after office hours and on Saturday and Sundays. They will only be able to take cash and will not have coin change ,so yes they will round up to the nearest dollar.
Recreational Facilities:
Pools, sun decks, beaches and all other recreational areas are for owners and their
guests only.
Safety and Fire Regulations:
Falsely setting off the fire alarm or tampering with any safety devices is a Third Degree
Felony and is not permitted. Tampering with safety equipment will result in eviction, arrest and
prosecution. For safety purposes and the need for privacy, entrance doors to units must be kept
closed at all times, and stairways and hallways must be kept clear. Use of gas, charcoal, wood
stoves, grills, fireworks or open flames in units, on balconies, or on the beach is prohibited. To
help insure your safety, please DO NOT leave your sliding glass (balcony) door open when
opening the front door of the unit. With both doors open a tremendous draft is created thereby
causing a potential safety problem by intense slamming. Also the slamming of the unit front door
disturbs the other guests.
Orderly and Safe Conduct:
It is a crime under Florida Law (Florida Statutes, Section 877.03) to engage in disorderly
conduct or conduct of a nature that constitutes a breach of the peace and quiet of others, violates
the sense of public decency, or involves brawling or fighting. Disturbing other guests, indecent
exposure, climbing over or on balcony railings, windows, roofs or ledges, or throwing articles
(e.g. trash, trash cans, beer, beer cans or bottles, chairs, ice, water, or any liquid or other articles)
and any other disorderly or unsafe conduct or use of offensive language is strictly prohibited.
Violators will be arrested and prosecuted. Noise, radios, stereos, compact disc players, musical
instruments or other mechanical audio devices may be operated only at a sound level which will
not disturb other guests. At all hours, decibel levels of music and other sound must be reasonable.
NO bicycling, skateboarding, roller skating, or rollerblading, etc. NO PETS.
Parties or large gatherings in the unit which disturb the peace or comfort of other guests or
are strictly prohibited.
Consumption of Alcoholic Beverages:
A person must be 21 years of age or older to purchase or consume alcoholic beverages
within the State of Florida. Open alcoholic containers or any containers that contain alcoholic
beverages are not permitted on Panama City Beach, streets, sidewalks, or inside vehicles. No beer
kegs or alcohol paraphernalia (i.e. funnels) are permitted in units, on pool decks, the beach or
other condominium property. No bottles may be transported to or from, or kept on the pool decks.
Use of drugs or controlled substances is strictly forbidden.
Eviction Policy for Violations of Rules:
You may be evicted and/or prosecuted for your actions or other violations of these rules by
yourself, other registered guests in your unit or your visitors. The guests registered in the unit will
be given only one warning prior to eviction, which will be recorded. The next problem or
disturbance will result in eviction from the premises without refund for any portion of the rent on
the day of eviction.
of Panama City Beach Owners Association